Rogue CNC Controller
The Rogue CNC controller is a custom designed and built controller cabinet to house the computer, breakout board, drivers, inverter and PSU's, it has bezels for both keyboard/mouse and monitor to allow for user customized configuration.
It has two powerful fans for keeping everything cool as well as some trick led lighting for keeping everything cool.
Available as cabinet with bezels, right through to fully loaded 6 axis control cabinet.
"I always get a kick out of seeing something that was once an idea
in my head, through to a model then to rework of model and finally to hard prototype then on to production"
-Frank Montrose, designer, Rogue CNC
Controller cabinet for mach3cnc and uccnc
Controller cabinet for mach3cnc and uccnc
Controller cabinet for mach3cnc and uccnc
Controller cabinet for mach3cnc and uccnc